


この協議会は、市貝町の農業者、商工業者、商工会、 環境保護団体、町役場、道の駅などで組織されています。主な活動内容はグリーンツーリズムを中心に以下の4部門にわたる内容になっています。

  1. 都市農村交流促進事業
  2. 里山保全事業
  3. 人材育成事業
  4. 観光まちづくり事業


What is Village of the Grey-faced buzzard Association ?

Village of the Grey-faced buzzard Association is a group that work as a private sector according to actions and policies of “Basic concept of creating the Village of the Grey-faced Buzzard”, which was designed in 2014 by Ichikai-town government. This group is composed of farmers, merchants, Chamber of commerce and industry, Nature conservation group, town government and Michi-no-Eki (a roadside rest area for those driving across Japan) in Ichikai-town. Our main activity is extended to 4 fields centering on green tourism as below:

  1. Promoting Interaction between cities and rural areas
  2. Satoyama nature conservation
  3. Human resource development
  4. Tourism and Community development

Through these activities we make a contribution to conserve suitable habitat for the Grey-faced buzzard and to make Ichikai-town more attractive.



住所:〒321-3404 栃木県芳賀郡市貝町続谷1143-3 旧小貝中央小学校内

